April 2, 2011


Hello! Epic 7 part 2 is here, and for those who are Lv. 130+ can start doing the Island quests but... BEWARE!

I had to laugh about this, all those mobs (like 40-50) and I couldn't get up, lucky someone pass by and took some, so I could ress myself and run! But for real, that place never had so many mobs till yesterday O.o

Do you like this new patch? Tell me your experience.

1 comment:

  1. hi there kinda crazy noones leave a comment on your hmm... blog?? u are from puerto rico right??
    eso quiere de cir que te puedo escribir en español ^^ oye agragame al FaceBook si tienes el mio es "Carlozz Maza" o si prefieres unete a mi grupo en FB se llama "[:Rappelz para latinos:]"... el epic 7.2 apesta sinceramente y mas aun la interface... (bueno aca te deje saber q estuve x aqui ^^) si eres tan buenca como io puess no estaria mal responderme de vuelta asi sea por el FB xq aca yo aun no tengo un blog... (estoy pensando en hacer uno pero naah)... bueno suerte y adios. [Naga Server]


Thanks for comment! I'll answer you back soon!

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