by slash1228 » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:05 am
hi guys
word confirmed that e7p4 goes under testing and develpoment in kts and i ll porvide infos regarding this update :
UI change:
quest UI was modified


quest location now is presented in world map

-new detail window in quest UI

the ability to minimize quest UI:

Pet UI changed :


trade window changed:

after :

Warehouse window changed:


Kubrick dungeon added:

its located north of the lake in vield island
-Kubrick dungeon quests added

new equip sets added:
Kubrick weapons added
Kubrick armors added
those equip comes with special set
all these sets drops from the Kubrick dungeon only
the new dungeon drops D3 MC weapons and armor sets except for helmets
so here u go a D3 MC but they got different names but same set stats 10+14 2h axe

aslo there are 8 new dura that are only applied on MC D3 equips type :
Explosion: Cri pow/cri ratio
Protection:Block.def/perfect block
mental:mp recov/M.def
yeah i noticed they are the same as 8 of the unique pieces buffs well try ur luck translate whats in the axe pic maybe i am wrong
Master class accessory added@
mage ,hunter,warrior,summoner classes will have their one MC accesories
made some guides in arabics i ll try to translate them:

1- blue eyes set:
-full set effect:+10% str +10% p.atk +45 p.def ignore
-special effect: a chance of getting a self buff when attacking target to increase p.atk by 5 and this can stack 20 times to reach 100p.atk

2- Lynx eyes set:
-full set effect:+12%dex +12%agi -100 vit
-full set timed effect1:a high chance when attacking a target to cause hold on him for 2 seconds
-full set timed effect2:i high chance when reciving attacks from enemies to casue stun to them for 1 second
-special set effect:getting aura for the party which increases p.def

3-shining sun set:
-full set effect:+200 vit /-100 str/+15% max hp/-50%max mp
-special set effect: a chance of getting a self buff for 10s which upon attacking which recover HP at a minimum percentage by critical hit u inflect

4- hurricane set:
-full set effect:+6% int/+6% m.atk/+45%m.def ignore
-special set effect:upon attacking a target a chance of receiving self buff for 10s which increases m.atk by 7 and this can stack 10 times to reach 70+m.atk.

5-Amazing miracle set:
-full set perma effect:+3 on taming skill level
-full set timed effect:upon attacking a chance of getting a self buff which increases all stats +20 for 30s and it can stack for 3 times to reach all stats +60 .

1-Darkness eyes set:
-full set perma effect:+25% int/+25% max mp
-full set timed effect:a chance of getting a self buff for 30s upon attacking or killing a traget near ur level which increases ur Mp recov by 50% of ur int amount.
1- those are not all of the sets still 2 or 3 left
2-special set effects shown are not all of then didnt have more infos of them also each item on each set holds a certain special effect for example u can stack 2 differen rings which got special effect
3-special effects are written in purple
Seige and Raid UI change:

1- the middle window is for ur Raid team of u got another team in the read u can check out their hp By selecting it for the window i=and their part window will pop out
2- the lower right is a timer window for raid in order to know what time u spent in the raid before u finish it
thats a prove that Seige system is next in the nerf list but dont know what they ll change ,profits or performance?
Dungeon Stone UI change:

yep to have a style on it the things u can see in this UI:
1-max members required for raid
2-max members required for seige
3-raid cancel option
4-raid applying option
5-dungeon level and rank
6-dungeon screenshot
7-bosses names
8-Dungeon owner guild name and leader name
9-dungeon name
10-list of guilds applying for a raid
D2 master class equip Vs D1 master class equip:

D1:drops from normal HM mobs
D2: drops from normal HM mobs by small chance and from Controller HM boss with high chance
D3:drops only from Cubic dungeon boss (HM boss rank)still no one was able to kill it in KTS Z_Z
1- did this comparison to prove the existence of D1 D2 of master class equips
2- Dura types not ranks are different from other sets dura
3-those items are way expensive than old dura set D3 items
4- D1 master class equips is stronger than D3 old set equips so imagine the Overpowered D3 master class ^^
well thats all for now
-new basic normal pet added and mountable
-new unique soulstones added
-new decos which adds effects like fear stun sleep
master class related changes:
MC equips enhancement bonus with cubes will change 200-250% increase
tp cards drop rate will increase
vulcan quest UI will change
-new boss card added
there are new Aoe pieces buff
new decos which have some effects
the new dungeon is for master class only i only saw MC players enter it
obviously the new dungeon quests are for 150+
new cube npc added for quests
quests where about and where to deliver it are shown in the world map
in game infos :

vid update summary ^^part1:
new pieces :

4 leaf clover buff:

taken from rad community :
new unique souls stones :

lv requirement :1

new Decos:

new boss card (Bermuda):


it inflect 15s buff on target which reduces m.def and p.def by -30% and reduces p.atk and mov.spd by -15%
P>S: all contents is on development stage and it could be changed
this might be e7p4 i dont know ^^
source: ... 627&page=1
GH fireslash
word confirmed that e7p4 goes under testing and develpoment in kts and i ll porvide infos regarding this update :
UI change:
quest UI was modified


quest location now is presented in world map

-new detail window in quest UI

the ability to minimize quest UI:

Pet UI changed :


trade window changed:

after :

Warehouse window changed:


Kubrick dungeon added:

its located north of the lake in vield island
-Kubrick dungeon quests added

new equip sets added:
Kubrick weapons added
Kubrick armors added
those equip comes with special set
all these sets drops from the Kubrick dungeon only
the new dungeon drops D3 MC weapons and armor sets except for helmets
so here u go a D3 MC but they got different names but same set stats 10+14 2h axe

aslo there are 8 new dura that are only applied on MC D3 equips type :
Explosion: Cri pow/cri ratio
Protection:Block.def/perfect block
mental:mp recov/M.def
yeah i noticed they are the same as 8 of the unique pieces buffs well try ur luck translate whats in the axe pic maybe i am wrong
Master class accessory added@
mage ,hunter,warrior,summoner classes will have their one MC accesories
made some guides in arabics i ll try to translate them:

1- blue eyes set:
-full set effect:+10% str +10% p.atk +45 p.def ignore
-special effect: a chance of getting a self buff when attacking target to increase p.atk by 5 and this can stack 20 times to reach 100p.atk

2- Lynx eyes set:
-full set effect:+12%dex +12%agi -100 vit
-full set timed effect1:a high chance when attacking a target to cause hold on him for 2 seconds
-full set timed effect2:i high chance when reciving attacks from enemies to casue stun to them for 1 second
-special set effect:getting aura for the party which increases p.def

3-shining sun set:
-full set effect:+200 vit /-100 str/+15% max hp/-50%max mp
-special set effect: a chance of getting a self buff for 10s which upon attacking which recover HP at a minimum percentage by critical hit u inflect

4- hurricane set:
-full set effect:+6% int/+6% m.atk/+45%m.def ignore
-special set effect:upon attacking a target a chance of receiving self buff for 10s which increases m.atk by 7 and this can stack 10 times to reach 70+m.atk.

5-Amazing miracle set:
-full set perma effect:+3 on taming skill level
-full set timed effect:upon attacking a chance of getting a self buff which increases all stats +20 for 30s and it can stack for 3 times to reach all stats +60 .

1-Darkness eyes set:
-full set perma effect:+25% int/+25% max mp
-full set timed effect:a chance of getting a self buff for 30s upon attacking or killing a traget near ur level which increases ur Mp recov by 50% of ur int amount.
1- those are not all of the sets still 2 or 3 left
2-special set effects shown are not all of then didnt have more infos of them also each item on each set holds a certain special effect for example u can stack 2 differen rings which got special effect
3-special effects are written in purple
Seige and Raid UI change:

1- the middle window is for ur Raid team of u got another team in the read u can check out their hp By selecting it for the window i=and their part window will pop out
2- the lower right is a timer window for raid in order to know what time u spent in the raid before u finish it
thats a prove that Seige system is next in the nerf list but dont know what they ll change ,profits or performance?
Dungeon Stone UI change:

yep to have a style on it the things u can see in this UI:
1-max members required for raid
2-max members required for seige
3-raid cancel option
4-raid applying option
5-dungeon level and rank
6-dungeon screenshot
7-bosses names
8-Dungeon owner guild name and leader name
9-dungeon name
10-list of guilds applying for a raid
D2 master class equip Vs D1 master class equip:

D1:drops from normal HM mobs
D2: drops from normal HM mobs by small chance and from Controller HM boss with high chance
D3:drops only from Cubic dungeon boss (HM boss rank)still no one was able to kill it in KTS Z_Z
1- did this comparison to prove the existence of D1 D2 of master class equips
2- Dura types not ranks are different from other sets dura
3-those items are way expensive than old dura set D3 items
4- D1 master class equips is stronger than D3 old set equips so imagine the Overpowered D3 master class ^^
well thats all for now
-new basic normal pet added and mountable
-new unique soulstones added
-new decos which adds effects like fear stun sleep
master class related changes:
MC equips enhancement bonus with cubes will change 200-250% increase
tp cards drop rate will increase
vulcan quest UI will change
-new boss card added
there are new Aoe pieces buff
new decos which have some effects
the new dungeon is for master class only i only saw MC players enter it
obviously the new dungeon quests are for 150+
new cube npc added for quests
quests where about and where to deliver it are shown in the world map
in game infos :

vid update summary ^^part1:
new pieces :

4 leaf clover buff:

taken from rad community :
new unique souls stones :

lv requirement :1

new Decos:

new boss card (Bermuda):


it inflect 15s buff on target which reduces m.def and p.def by -30% and reduces p.atk and mov.spd by -15%
P>S: all contents is on development stage and it could be changed
this might be e7p4 i dont know ^^
source: ... 627&page=1
GH fireslash
What about Golden Butterfly Wings? :( I keep hearing they are timed Q_Q