- Joined ShadowHearts: 11 Sep 2009
- LadyLuck stalker
- Guild Helper
- Main Character name: TheUndertaker
- Class: BS (Bull Shi*er)
- Lv or Rank: 128
- Pet you use with Main: Angel/Hawks
- Location: Lost in Maryland USA
- Guild: Shadowfarts
- How long u been playing Rappelz? 1 year
- Tell us about ur character: He’s an Elite Stalker
- Why that name? Cuz Stalker was takin already.
- Why that class? Healer was boring
- Your favorite pet and why? My Looter cuz she cute without makeup
- How did u knew about Rappelz? Friends that I play other games with started and dragged me in.
- Do u remember the epic and how was it? I cant remember what I ate for breakfast!
- What you like about Rappelz? Surveys and Guildies
- What would you change about it? PK system is for CS Whores and geeky kidz trying to be bully
- Tell us ur best or funniest moment in Rappelz: My guild leader PK’d Toilet after battle with Nesquik
- The worst thing it ever happened to you (in game): See comment above^^
- Do you have more characters? Healer R6
- What do u expect of the future of the game? Epic 7 seem to be an improvement, so we’ll see if im still here in another year.
- What are ur in-game plans? PK CapusVacans aka Micheal Jackson and My two little girls like this game so I will play more with them. They love trying to kill the bosses and seeing daddy fail seems to excite them even more !
Im not interested in R7.
- Why you stalk LL so much? She’s cute like Yoshi
Want an interview? Leave a comment or send an email to shadowheartsguild@hotmail.com, there I can send you the questions (main character pic required). Interviews will be published during Sundays.