- Joined ShadowHearts: 08 Mar 2010
- Guild Helper
- MiniShadows co-leader
Thx for ur time Xilita!
- Main Character name: Xilita
- Class: Archer
- Lv or Rank: 114
- Pet you use with Main: skeleton (
- Location: Netherlands, Harlingen
- Guild: SHADOWHEARTS (of course)
- How long u been playing Rappelz? (serious play) 1 year 1 month 6 days
- Tell us about ur character: it is an archer (woot for the new update) that has some serious damage.
- Why that name? i wanted something with an X at the start, then figured this out. later i came to the conclusion it was kinda female xD.
- Why that class? it has some serious damage combined with some nice skills and it is ranged.
- Your favorite pet and why? Harpy, because it fits to an archer and looks amazing (still got none though) and wolf, i like the damage and its attacks.
- How did u knew about Rappelz? Do u remember the epic and how was it? a real life friend told me (Daggh), it was end epic 5 and i did not like it at all (quitted after 3 weeks), started again on a evening when i was drunk.
- What you like about Rappelz? the community, the amount of pets, the amount of different skills.
- What would you change about it? remove the T-pro and make "rare" pets, actually real rare pets.
- Tell us ur best or funniest moment in Rappelz: that would be that our party (really bad party) got killed by an invisible mob. i was the first to die. 2 of the other players quitted right after that party. also that all members of ShadowHearts helped me recover from my hack.
- The worst thing it ever happened to you (in game) : i got hacked, lost everything and customer support did not help me
- Do you have more characters? a load (warlock, priest, evoker, champ, druid, battlesummoner)
- What do u expect of the future of the game? it is a shining bright future i guess (i hope). and please remove the hidden drop bug.
- What are ur in-game plans? play untill i dont have fun anymore in the game. short time: get priest and warlock to R5. Long time: get archer to R6
Want an interview? Leave a comment or send an email to shadowheartsguild@hotmail.com, there I can send you the questions (main character pic required). Interviews will be published during Sundays.
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