- Rappelz (USA) forum moderator
- ShadowHearts guild co-leader.
- Joined ShadowHearts: 07 May 2009
- Queen of the Locks
- Main Character name: EvaCassidy
- Class: Bishy
- Rank: R6
- Pet you use with Main: Varies
- Location: California or BC
- Guild: ummm.. this one? (ShadowHearts)
- How long u been playing Rappelz? Too long, 3+ years.
- Tell us about ur character: Using it for anything except as a normal healer!
- Why that name? Couldn't think of one atm, so I used my RL middle and last name.
- Why that class? Because math was boring.
- Your favorite pet and why? Harpy. Cause it looks like a Siren and Hawk slammed together!
- How did u knew about Rappelz? Do u remember the epic and how was it? Former coworker, E3.
- What you like about Rappelz? Nice chat proggy.
- What would you change about it? The management.
- Tell us ur best or funniest moment in Rappelz: One the test server with a GM and he got pwned by Betty, even with the special buffs.
- The worst thing it ever happened to you (in game) : GayGuard
- Do you have more characters? Too many.
- What do u expect of the future of the game? Couple years left, until 2012.
- What are ur in-game plans? Nada atm.
- It is a hard work being Rappelz Forum Moderator? Depends. sometimes during server outages or changes in the chronicles like last week the forums will be like a bad DP, need to smack the duplicate posts, broken gayguard threads and the like.
- I know everyone ask you this but, why you're using a 2h axe? It's to make peeps ask me! I like my bish to stand out, why she uses other tools too. The axe will go on my huna when it's R6.
- How you balance and manage your RL + Rappelz? Has to be on more on RL, especially spending time with hubs. Most time I jump in when hubs is at work and there's some downtime in my telecommuting.
Thx you Eva for the interview!
Wanna an interview? Leave a comment or send an email to shadowheartsguild@hotmail.com, there I can send you the questions (main character pic required). Interviews will be published during Sundays.
wish eva was in Naga, she couldnt be able to get out of the town :P